
Release and Reveal Your Visible Voice | Tuscany Wellness Retreat

In This Article

“Everything in life is vibration”
Albert Einstein


What is a Retreat?

An opportunity to retreat or withdraw from the everyday demands of one’s regular routine to focus on the self – for relaxation, contemplation, self – expansion, or all the above. It is an opportunity to combine work and play in a nurturing environment where the focus is on the individual participant’s personal growth rather than their responsibilities to others.


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Expect to Learn

How to integrate breath, the physical body, and sound, so that personal and professional communication exudes confidence and authenticity. The experience will help participants develop self-awareness of their own habitual breath and physical alignment/posture patterns that interfere with efficient vocal production and consequently provide tips for undoing those obstructive patterns in order to develop an individualized natural and genuine manner of communication – for both personal and professional environments and circumstances.


My Philosophy

The basis of my approach is a recognition that the human being is connected to all living things, and indeed the entire Universe, through the never-ending exchange of vibratory energy. I begin with vibration to release tension and access the full efficiency of breath. Exercises are designed to let go of the intellect to rejuvenate the body with breath, movement, and sound so that the intellect becomes more alive and accessible. The work is meant to be energizing, inspiring, and most of all fun!


Structure of the one-week workshop in Tuscany

Interactive workshop sessions progressively introduce participants to physical awareness and alignment, followed by breath and sound release, investigation of resonance, pitch, range and volume, tips for release of habitual tension in the articulators, and finally practice time on a public presentation of poetry, story, or speech. Sessions include an introduction to improvisation techniques, an exploration of states of being during hard conversations, and practice with imagery and word play.


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Daily Relaxation Activities Include

Gentle kundalini yoga class to begin the day; self-serve buffet breakfast with Italian espresso and cappuccino; Outdoor buffet lunch, formal dinner served in the Fattoria Del Colle restaurant with Donatella estate wines included, and down time in the early afternoon and evening for swimming, walking, biking, journalling, and a visit to the spa if desired. There will also be a wine tour and tasting in the Donatella wine cellar.

On Thursday there will be a coordinated expedition to Pienza, a small Tuscan village famous for Pecorino cheese. It was the birthplace of Pope Pius II, who hired Bernardo Rossellini to build the perfect Utopian Renaissance city. Participants may join a guided tour and/or spend time shopping and visiting the museum and many cafes and restaurants. The return to the estate will include a pasta making lesson and dinner in the Fattoria Del Colle restaurant.


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